Give up your climate guilt. Sharpen your curiosity.

Climate change is the story of our time. We’re here to help you understand it in a deeper way — and take part in that story yourself. 

With the help of dozens of climate leaders, we tell stories of bold solutions and groundbreaking campaigns, stories of misdeeds and corruption and efforts to stop them, and stories of people doing their best to be a part of the solution. Join us as we make sense of big climate questions.

We are an award-winning production made in partnership with FRQNCY Media, The 2035 Initiative at UC Santa Barbara, and The All We Can Save Project.

#3 of top 10 climate podcasts
5 “favorite” climate podcasts
"Two of the most important and reliable voices in the climate debate"
3 “pick of the podcasts” on climate
8 “crucial podcasts” about the climate crisis
8 podcasts “you should listen to right now”






Dr. Leah Stokes

is a specialist in energy and climate policy, and the author of the award-winning book Short Circuiting Policy, which examines the role of utilities in undermining regulation and promoting climate denial. Trained at M.I.T., Columbia, and the University of Toronto, Leah has published in top scholarly journals and popular media outlets. Named a 2020 Grist 50 Fixer, she regularly provides advice to policymakers at the federal and state levels and has given testimony on clean energy and electrification to the U.S. Congress, as well as states and cities. 

At the University of California, Santa Barbara, Leah is the Anton Vonk Associate Professor of Environmental Politics. She’s also a senior policy consultant at the advocacy groups Evergreen Action and Rewiring America. Her deep research shows electrification can cut 75% of carbon emissions while saving lives, strengthening the economy, increasing grid resilience, and reducing the burden of costly weather-related disasters. Leah is an avid gardener.


Dr. Katharine Wilkinson

is an author, strategist, teacher, and one of 15 “women who will save the world,” according to Time magazine. She is co-founder and executive director of The All We Can Save Project, which works to grow climate leadership, and creator of All We Can Save Circles and Climate Wayfinding. Her books on climate include the bestselling anthology All We Can Save, The Drawdown Review, the New York Times bestseller Drawdown, and Between God & Green

Previously, Katharine was the principal writer and editor-in-chief at the climate solutions nonprofit Project Drawdown. She speaks widely, at forums including National Geographic, TEDWomen, and the United Nations. A former Rhodes Scholar and frequent visiting professor, Katharine holds a doctorate in geography and environment from Oxford and a BA in religion from Sewanee. She is a homegrown Atlantan, happiest on a mountain or a horse.







Dalvin Aboagye


Yessenia Funes

Website • Twitter

Nikayla Jefferson


Eric Masanet


Paasha Mahdavi


Julian Brave NoiseCat







Lucas Boyd

Lucas is the Executive Director of The 2035 Initiative. He works with world-leading UCSB faculty and staff to accelerate the clean energy transition and develop equitable solutions to the climate crisis. Previously, he worked with the advocacy group Evergreen Action and held several leadership roles in environmental education. Lucas has a Masters of Environmental Science and Management from UCSB’s Bren School and a B.A. in Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of San Diego.

Christin Palmstrom

Christin is the Communications & Outreach Coordinator for The 2035 Initiative. She is responsible for overseeing the Initiative's public-facing policy and research outputs, manages media relations for the Initiative, and coordinates with external partners and stakeholders. Christin has a master’s degree in Environmental Science and Management and a B.A. in Biology from UCSB.

Anusha Singh

Anusha is a Research Assistant at The 2035 Initiative. Her work supports background research for the podcast A Matter of Degrees. She is a third-year undergraduate student pursuing a double major in Environmental Studies and Sociology. With a passion for environmental justice, Anusha aims to pursue a career in environmental law and policy.


A Matter of Degrees is a production made in partnership with FRQNCY Media. FRQNCY is a women-led podcast production and audio innovation company based in Atlanta, Georgia.
